Red-flanked Bluetail

Blue tail ♂ ( Tarsiger cyanurus )

The blue tail ( Tarsiger cyanurus ) is a passerine bird of the family of flycatchers. Under the scientific name Luscinia cyanura he is sometimes assigned to the genus Luscinia.


This bird of the size and shape of a Rotschwanzes the male has a bright cobalt blue top on shoulders, rump and tail. Darkest is the blue color on the cheeks and sides of neck. The underside is rahmfarben with bright orange edges. About the forehead and the eyes runs a white stripe.

The female is olive-brown above, lighter below, and has a bluish rump and tail and orange flanks. The young birds resemble young, spotted robins.


The call of the robin is a similar " tick -tick ". The telling song of the blue tail starts very quietly and builds to a loud, sloping, throttle-like motif "tri - lih, tri - lih " in the middle, again to end quietly. He sings day and night usually of treetops from.


The blue tail has a large circulation area, ranging from Estonia and Finland through Siberia to Japan and Korea. In the south, it occurs to Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Thailand. The elusive bird inhabits dense pine and spruce forests and moist thickets. It breeds on the ground.
