Red Hat Society

The Red Hat Society ( RHS ) is an organization that was originally founded in 1998 for women aged 50 and over in the United States, but now is open to women of all ages. In August 2010 there were over 40,000 chapters across the United States and 31 other countries. Headquartered in Fullerton ( California).


The founder of the association is the artist Sue Ellen Cooper, who lives in Fullerton in Orange County / California. 1997 Cooper gave a friend's 55th birthday a red bowler hat from an antique shop, along with a copy of Jenny Joseph's poem Warning ( warning) of 1961 ( excerpts translated):

On demand Cooper repeated the gift several times, and finally bought some of the women purple outfits and met on April 25, 1998 in a cafe. Cooper had never intended to start an international movement. After spreading through word of mouth, the club was through the magazine Romantic Homes, and an article in the local newspaper, the Orange County Register made ​​public in 2000 in the United States. Then Cooper formed a central point, called Hatquarters, who took care of hundreds of email inquiries about the re-establishment of local branches. Meanwhile, Cooper has risen to the Most High Queen Mother ( Exalted Queen Mother ) and has two bestsellers written about the club.


A founder or leader of a local association is usually called the Queen ( "Queen "). Members from 50 hot Red Hatters ( " Rothüte "). They are wearing red hats and purple clothes at all meetings. Younger women may also be a member, but can carry up to her 50th birthday a pink hat and lavender attire to meetings. They are called Pink Hatters. In his birthday month (or month in the founding of the association in April ) can exchange the colors of a member, for example, wear a purple or lavender hat and red or pink clothes. There are two ways to become a member of the club:

  • As Queen (usually as manager of a local association, but a queen must not conduct local association )
  • As a registered member ( Supporting Member ).


The fundamental purpose of the Red Hat Society is the social link between women, to encourage them to joy, friendship, freedom, fulfillment and fitness ( mentally and physically). The aim of the members is to accompany themselves through life together.

Red and Pink Hatters contribute to their meetings often lavishly decorated hats and fancy accessories, eg a feather boa. The activities vary according to the local association, but one of the most popular is to meet for coffee or a tea party in a cafe or at a member. Other activities include crafts, games, theater or cinema, music (often with kazoos ), excursions, and much more.

Often, several local associations organize regional meetings, and the center has organized every year several official RHS events.

April 25th is always the official RHS day.


Meanwhile, the Red Hat Society distributed in 30 different countries. 2011, there were, in addition to thousands of local organizations in the United States, local associations in Argentina, Australia, Ecuador, Guam, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Namibia, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan and Trinidad / Tobago. Almost all countries in Europe are also represented: Belgium ( 2), Germany (5) England (88) Finland ( 1) France (1 ) Greece ( 1) Ireland (1 ) Italy (2), Luxembourg (1 ), Netherlands (110 ), Norway ( 1), Austria ( 2) Scotland (3 ), Sweden ( 13) and Wales (3).
