Red velvetfish

Red Samtfisch ( Gnathanacanthus goetzeei )

The Red Samtfisch ( Gnathanacanthus goetzeei ) is a fish belonging to the order Perciformes ( Perciformes ). He was placed in a separate, thus monotypic family. The Red Samtfisch lives endemic to the sea floor on the southwest and south coasts of Australia and Tasmania in the north reefs and algae and Tangfeldern.


Red Samtfische be 30 inches long. They are scaleless. The body is covered with smooth or tubercles and papillae. Of the two almost equal-length, high dorsal fins, the first of seven hard jets, the second of three hard - and ten to eleven soft rays is supported. The anal fin has three hard - and eight to nine soft rays, the pelvic fins a hard and five soft rays, the pectoral fins ten to twelve fin rays. All fin rays are undivided. The hard rays can cause painful wounds. On the gill cover are two large spines that can be hidden under the skin. The number of vertebrae is 28 to 30 Red Samtfische are colored bright red or brown with red stripes.
