Reed organ

The pressure harmonium (also called compressed air Harmonium) is also in Germany since the end of the 19th century, widespread nature of the musical instrument Harmonium ( Harmonium in addition to art and Saugwindharmonium ). The pressure harmonium is specially designed for the artistic and soloists art harmonium closer than the Saugwindharmonium. Even today, even in churches and chapels to find instruments of this type.


  • Tone

The pressure harmonium resembles in the functioning of the organ. When printing harmonium sound in exactly the opposite way is generated for Saugwindharmonium. Pressure on the foot of the pedal is an accumulator, the Wind magazine filled. He is thus under pressure. Upon pressing one or more keys, the air escapes through the "tongue" (recording in Harmonium) outward and causes the sound.

( More detailed explanations can be found at harmonium ).

  • How can you distinguish a Saugwindharmonium of a pressure harmonium - ( same time, this gives a more detailed description of equipment )

First difference characteristic: Expressionszug

Second difference feature: keyboard

The keyboard pressure harmonium C - c4 ( Saugwindharmonium when going from F - F3)

3 difference feature: keyboard division

Pressure harmonium: keyboard sharing between e1 and f1 ( Saugwindharmonium: between h and c1)


Originally, this type harmonium was developed in France. The classic push harmonium goes back to the builder Alexandre- François Debain. He received a patent in 1842 for working on the pressure wind system just described instrument with the modern common name of " Harmonium ".

In 1850, Philip founded Trayser and J. & P. Schiedmayer in Stuttgart harmonium factories. The company's founders ( made ​​in France) led the French pressure harmonium in Germany. The European manufacturers first built in large numbers of pressure instruments harmonium type. By and by producing large factories Harmonium ( founder of the company in Saxony as ' Theodore man Borg ', ' Lindholm ') but instruments for the new Saugwindsystem - mainly because these instruments were cheaper to produce.
