Reflexive verb

A reflexive verb expresses that activity of a subject ( speaker ) extending ( it) refers to it yourself. Reflexivity is a special case of the action towards a verb ( diathesis).

Reflexive verbs in German

In English, there is a certain number of verbs, in combination with a reflective reflexive action statements; That is, in such verbs grammatical subject and grammatical object are identical. For example, to express the fact that the one who washes and the one who is washed, one and the same person, use the reflexive pronoun himself to washing to make the reflexive verb: Martin washes.

So-called real reflexive verbs are likewise constructed by reflexive pronouns (eg, provide for themselves, to focus ), but they can no language that differs from the grammatical subject to object:

In cases such as The Army has concentrated their forces the verb focus a different meaning (' contract ') and does not represent a reflexive verb

In addition to the semantic feature is morphologically interesting that reflexive verbs can not form a passive:

In addition, lose the reflexive pronoun reflexive verbs in nominalization, if this is to high frequency or lexicalized conversions:

Normally, the reflexive pronoun is retained, however, to create semantic clarity:
