Register (music)

Under a register is understood in the music mainly two things:

  • A group of tones producing elements ( strings, pipes ) of the same timbre in instruments such as organ or harpsichord. In a broader sense also realized by the other instruments sound groupings, as in the drum ( hitting the edge or in the center of the head ) or the guitar ( plucking near the bridge or fingerboard nearby).
  • , Defines a pitch range instruments and the human voice, which is characterized by its own timbral or construction and playing techniques properties depending on the instrument differently and delimited. In the orchestra, individual instrument groups or several different instruments are called a register, as far as this is useful sound reasons and at the same time contradicts the maximum design classification.
  • 2.1 Piano
  • 2.2 Wind Instruments
  • 2.3 song

Register as a group toner producing elements


In the organ of the term register refers to the grouping of organ pipes of the same kind, in the broadest sense not sounding game aids, which can be selected via register moves. See also organ stops.

Rotary organ building and mechanical musical instruments

Also in the rotary organ building come with more elaborate instruments, analogous to organ building, various registers in front. The share register, so the row of pipes, which is always involved in the game, is usually a subdued flute. Switchable registers closed or open flutes with different timbres or reeds (trumpet, clarinet, oboe, shawm, with overlay or free reeds ) be.

The circuit of the registers at the beginning of or within a piece of music carried out either manually by the player or mechanically triggered by the music storage medium.


When harpsichord designated register a set of strings that can be added and off by foot pedal or similar mechanisms. As with the organ are different Fußzahlen, so pitch areas (see register ( organ) ).

More "Register" trains harpsichord stand for no strings own group, but can a register by a layer of felt dampen ( lute ) or altered by other mechanisms in the sound.


In historic wings there is occasionally a so-called Fagottzug. When activated, an attached to a rod, coated with silk, hollow shaped paper is on the strings of the bass half, usually up to the key c1, set that touches the vibrating strings. This device gives the tone a buzzing sound component.


When Accordion various combination of built-in reed plate sets are called a register or as choirs, see register (accordion).

Register as pitch range


With the piano, one speaks of register with respect to the stringing, the dependent is different from the pitch:

  • In the bass register, there is a string per note ( einchörige upholstery);
  • In the central position of two strings per note ( for double covering );
  • In the treble three strings per note ( dreichörige upholstery).

In addition, finer register transitions by the nature of the string used ( copper-wound, metal strings, etc.) are achieved. A good instrument is characterized by barely audible changes in register.

Wind Instruments

In woodwind instruments is called the normal and the various overblowing documents as various register (see overblowing ).

Brass bands are divided into registers, which are run by so-called registrars.


Especially with inexperienced singers distinctly different voice qualities can be perceived in the different pitch ranges and it can occur breaks between these areas. In analogy to the organ stops one talks of vocal registers. It is the ideal of European art song, to compensate for these different voice qualities and make the transitions imperceptibly. The classification of singing voice in registers and discussion of register classification as well as the physiological basis of register generation can be found in detail in vocal register.
