Regressive delta

(Also called retrograde or backward Delta Delta ) A back or reverse current Delta Delta is a landward oriented delta of a flowing body of water.

Prerequisite for the formation of a back deltas are a tidal inlet and a sufficiently large lagoons, which can take up sediment from the sea, but the lighter water can drain off by a second, less exposed to the flow opening of the bay. This sea channels arise in seas without tidal influence mostly on narrow coastal foothills of the compensation that were eventually severed from the sea. The natural tributaries of the bay using the tidal inlet as runoff, but may themselves do not form a seeseitiges delta because the ocean current to a compensating coast prevents.

If the water flow rich and sedimentarm, it increases the breakthrough without forming a delta ( Hiddensee south of Neuendorf 1868 Peninsula Kiel place ).

Known back deltas are those of the Prerower current and the Swine.
