
As vow is called a formal and rigorous nature of the promise. It is an affirmation to the oath assimilated to fulfill the duties of an officer, judge or lawyer faithfully. In particular, the following cases are possible:

  • Swearing and oath of soldiers of the Bundeswehr, or in particular the solemn vow
  • Vow (Government Service ), a process upon the inception of the civil service
  • , Often referred to Declaration of Geneva of the World Medical Association as Geneva vow

See also:

  • Vow faithful followers, a 1933 by 88 writers signed declaration of loyalty to Adolf Hitler
  • Vows, a religious promise in Switzerland also a reference to a ( secular ) vow
  • Swearing in ( Austrian counterpart to the solemn oath of the Bundeswehr )
  • Votive offering
  • Disambiguation