Reinhard Haupenthal

Reinhard Haupenthal ( born February 17, 1945) is a German Esperantologe and Volapükist. Until his retirement in the late 1990s he lived in the Saarland Scheidt, since in the southern French Malaucène. His library with an extensive collection of different planning languages ​​he left the Bavarian State Library.

He is married and has one daughter.

Since the 1960s he used the pseudonym Arthur E. polecat. He used this name for which he had founded Publisher Edition Iltis.

From 1973 to 1974 he was editor of the Internacia Pedagogia Revuo, 1973-1988 Dialogo and 1985-1987 Volapükabled. He has earned Especially made ​​to the research and documentation of the history of the plan language Volapük and the biography of its creator Johann Martin Schleyer.
