
Relevance (lat / Italian: .. Levare re - " ( the balance beam, a thing) again or re- raise in the height" ) is a name given to the significance or importance that someone attaches to something in a particular context. The word is associated with the formation of language and refers to assessments and comparisons within a property or subject area. The antonym irrelevance ( adjective: irrelevant) is an equivalent term for meaninglessness, pointlessness or irrelevance.

The word "relevance" is occupied in German since the 19th century, its present meaning developed in the 20th century under the influence of the English relevant. The adjective is relevant detectable since the 17th century and is relevant from the Latin addition articuli ( " legitimate, conclusive arguments [ in dispute ]") have arisen. The original meaning was " conclusively right". In the 20th century, the modern word used in the sense of " [ge ] meaningful, essential, important," developed under the influence of the English relevant. The etymology -Duden attested for the second half of the 20th century the status of a " buzzword ".


As a term relevance to be found today in the German language communication science. The attention to a message is affected by the news of the formal conspicuousness (presentation) and of the relevance of the content for the recipient. Recipients are mostly based on the relevance they attach to the message. The assessment of relevance is everyday knowledge about the topics and the assessment of the medium, the communication means, and used his work.

The communications expert Klaus Merten defined as a public situation with characteristic elements of " the [ ... ] discourses abuts to [ ... ] issues that [ ... ] be treated according to Relevance [ ... ] " and writes:

Conformity of relevance systems by Alfred Schutz

After the general thesis of the reciprocity of perspectives of Alfred Schutz found in humans rather than an idealization of the conformity of relevance systems, ie when trying to communicate with other people can individual differences of relevance systems remain unnoticed. In the idealization thus emerge the similarities in the relevance systems, so that when pus against application not an exhaustive, but sufficient for communication according to the relevance systems arises.
