
Bill Maher: Himself

Religulous [ rɨlɪgjʊləs ] ( portmanteau word formed in engl from religion -. Religion - and ridiculous - ridiculous) is an American satirical documentary from the year 2008 The screenplay was written by the political satirist Bill Maher, who is at the center of the film at the same time. . Directed by Larry Charles. The film is similar in humor and style of the film Borat same director; content it comes to religious communities and faith.

In the German-speaking area of the movie and the DVD released with the title " Religulous - It is surely may ask ."


Core part of the film are interviews. Here, on the one hand interviewed by Maher representatives and leaders of various organizations and movements, such as creationists, televangelists, or U.S. Senator Mark Pryor. On the other hand, according to scientists, politicians and other people ( for example, an employee of the Vatican Observatory, or an anti- Zionist Jew ) to word that contradict this. Maher visited the Creation Museum and the Holy Land Experience.


The world premiere of the film took place on 6 October 2008 at the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada. The regular theatrical release took place on 3 October in Canada and the United States. After another festival presentations in Europe, the film was launched in November in some European countries in the regular cinema operation. In Swiss cinemas from November 13, the film was shown. The German movie premiere took place on April 2, 2009, the Austrian on April 3.


The film was reacted favorably by critics. Frequently, the film's humor and the attempted debunking self-proclaimed religious leader is praised by critical interviews. But are criticized for being manipulative intentions of the producers and the low level of argumentative confrontations. The Satellite Awards 2008 Religulous was nominated for Best Picture.

Spiegel Online described the film as "a sometimes extremely funny, entertaining documentary ."

The time wrote: " Religulous is the prototypical product of a cynic guerrillas, which long has not achieved the klamaukischen anarchism of Borat, in his caustic Inquisition attitude is in parts but entertaining as hell ." and " The film offers a mix of single-minded believers whose smile with difficulty lies a snarling aggression, and greedy preachers, all garnished with funny TV clips. "

The Süddeutsche Zeitung found that the film " takes place an argumentative remarkably low level ... and yet become a very funny and watchable documentary " on.

The world thought that " Religulous is really funny, it makes Larry Charles bottom line but too easy ... anyway is, Religulous ' worth seeing even for believers. Because laughter is well known by God. And the absurdity of many religious teachings has a great sense of humor potential. " wrote: " doubt instead of security - that is, Religulous ' in a soothing manner. Somewhat disturbing and insanely comical documentary about the greatest fiction of all time"

Bayerischer Rundfunk said: " A politically incorrect road movie, but quite entertaining. The laughter ... could one here and there but quite stuck in the throat, because the believers are, usually unsuspecting, performed by Maher and abandoned viciously ridiculed, even by their statements deprives the original context. "

In the Kronen-Zeitung Christina Krisch wrote: " Rather than to stir up confrontation as lust selects borate - writer and director Larry Charles the irreverent and gross provocation polemic as a stylistic device, and he relies on manipulative heretical - cutting techniques. A satirical crusade but the Scientology doctrine hardly affected! A heavenly miracle in the fact that the believers ever engaged in these scoffers! "

Was credited negative Maher uncommented the inclusion of anti-Islamic attitude of the Dutch right-wing populist Geert Wilders.

In a review for The New York Times Stephen Holden wrote that Maher Christian fundamentalists would otherwise qualify as Jewish and Islamic. Critic Philip Weiss threw Maher right to criticize Islamic and Christian fundamentalists, while he was Jewish fundamentalists issue a free pass. Sam Greenspan thinks that Maher would Jews with kid gloves.
