Remission (spectroscopy)

As remission (from the Latin remittere return ) is called in physics the diffuse ( non-directional ) reflection of waves, especially light, in contrast to regular specular reflection which satisfies the law of reflection. More often, however, spoken in both cases of reflection. One then differentiates between specular and diffuse reflection.

The surface-related measure of the reflectance is the reflectance. The ratio of remittierter to energy injected in percent is called albedo.

Remission of light

In optics, and reproduction technology is called remission when a body part of the light spectrum absorbed ( opacity ) and a portion of the spectrum transmitted ( transparent media ) or reflected ( opaque media).

For example, assuming a yellow body and irradiates it with daylight, which covers the whole light spectrum, thus emits or it reflects the red and the green light component, but it absorbs the blue component. The body appears yellow by the addition of the reflected red and green light components.

Another example is a color filter. These filters are usually made of colored glass and transmit only certain color components, ie are only permeable for these spectral components, and absorb the residual spectrum. For a cyan filter, this means that he only lets through the green and blue color component of ( white ) light and filters the red component.
