Remus (given name)

Remo is a male first name.

Origin and Meaning

Remo comes from Remus, one of the Capitoline she-wolf suckling the twins Romulus and Remus from the founding history of Rome.



The surname is common mainly in Switzerland and Italy.

Bearers of the name

  • Remo Capitani (1927-2014), Italian actor
  • Remo Giazotto (1910-1998), an Italian musicologist, music critic and composer
  • Remo Girone ( born 1948 ), Italian theater and film actor
  • Remo H. Largo ( born 1943 ), Swiss pediatrician and author of non-fiction books for education
  • Remo Legnazzi ( b. 1946 ), Swiss film director
  • Remo Mally (* 1991), Austrian football player
  • Rémo Meyer ( born 1980 ), Swiss football player
  • Remo Schulze ( * 1988), German actor