
Rendang is in the kitchen of Sumatra - rooted there in the Minangkabau - a sharp dish made mainly beef ( rendang sapi Daging ) or other meats such as lamb, chicken or duck.

Rendang is a part of Padang cuisine ( Padang Masakan ). This draws on a variety of served in individual bowls meal parts. Rendang also offers as a single dish, served with rice eating a popular (fixed ).

For meat Obst-/Gemüsesorten come like jackfruit or cassava. The cooking process can take several hours. With coconut milk (Air Kelapa ), onions and garlic ( Bawang putih ) and many spices, such as ginger ( Jahe ), turmeric ( Kunyit ), coriander ( Ketumbar ), cumin ( Jintan ), chili ( Lombok ), galangal root (also: Laos or lengkuas called ), lime leaves, lemon grass ( Sereh ) and Indonesian bay leaf ( Daun Salam ) - optionally tamarind ( Asam ) - a reduced sauces aromatic dish is made ​​.

About the borders of Indonesia also found rendang in Malaysia, Singapore and elsewhere in the catchment kitchens. In Malaysia, even its own kind of rendang has established that spices such as cinnamon and cloves uses. A favorite dish is also in European countries such as Germany or the Netherlands.

Rendang is indeed often compared with the Indian curry variants, has much in common with these but not because the court constituents, their consistency and the seasoning vary considerably. The court was chosen in an online survey of CNN International for the tastiest dish in the world in 2011.
