Repeated sequence (DNA)

As repetitive DNA and repetitive DNA elements regions of DNA are referred to in the genome, the sequence of which consists of repeating sections. Here is a summary and overview of the titles will be displayed, more detailed descriptions can be found at the links.


Satellite DNA

Satellite DNA is frequently found in centromeric and Telomerbereichen.

Very short sections:

Short tandem repeats: A sequence of 2-10 base pairs is repeated 10 to 1000 times.

Subset of STRs: microsatellite 2-4 base pairs long.

Short sections:

Minisatellites: A sequence of 10 to 100 base pairs, which is repeated 4-40 times.


SINEs and LINEs are relatively evenly distributed over the chromosomes to find.

SINEs (short interspersed nuclear elements ) are 100-500 base pairs long, LINEs (long interspersed nuclear elements ) are 6000-7000 base pairs long.


In most prokaryotes are CRISPR sections of repetitive DNA, which account for up to 1% of the genome. These provide a mechanism which can give the immunity to bacteriophage prokaryotes and other foreign DNA.

  • Repetitive DNA