Report Definition Language

Report Definition Language (RDL) is a standard proposed by Microsoft standard for defining reports.

RDL is an XML application that is mainly used in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. Normally RDL report features are created by the " SQL Server 's Business Intelligence Studio " or with the Visual Studio. There are also development tools from other manufacturers, and it is also possible to write RDL manually with a text editor. SQL Server Reporting Services Report and other applications using RDL to define charts, calculations, text, images ( via links ), and other report objects, and generate reports in various formats.

A typical RDL file has three sections:

  • Parameters, and database connections - parameters that can be entered by the user or filled by other applications, and database connections and queries.
  • Field Definitions - Extended Attributes of the fields that are filled with formulas, dynamic data or database contents.
  • Page design - Presentation of boxes, images, graphs, tables.