Republican Action (Spain)

The Acción Republicana (Eng. Republican Action, AR) was a progressivist ( left-liberal ) and republican political party in Spain that existed from 1928 to 1934.

The Acción Republicana was founded in 1925 by the politician and writer Manuel Azaña. Her major program points the organization was in the autonomous regions of Spain ( autonomismo ), advocating for agricultural reform and the reform of the armed forces.

The left wing of the party split in 1930 from and contributed to the formation of the Partido Republicano Radical Socialista ( Socialist German radical Republican Party, PRS) led by Marcelino Domingo.

The Acción Republicana was a member of the " Republican Alliance", which closed the Pact of San Sebastián, the monarchy under Alfonso XIII. to overthrow. She appeared since 1931 on the establishment of the Second Republic and was part of the transitional government that ruled after the abdication of King Spain.

In the parliamentary elections of 1931, they won 30 seats and became, in spite of their relatively small weight in the Parliament, to a central force in the governments of the Republic until 1933. Founder and chairman of the party, Manuel Azaña became Prime Minister.

After the defeat of the left - republican parties in the elections of 1933, in which the Acción Republicana won only ten seats, the party united with other Republican groups such as the Organización Republicana Autónoma Gallega ( Galician German -Republican Autonomous organization, ORGA) y and the Partido Radical Socialista Republicano 1934 Izquierda Republicana under the leadership of Azaña.

  • Historic Party ( Spain)
  • Past Liberal Party