Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences

The Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (English, short RIMS; jap数 理 解析 研究所, Suri kaiseki KENKYUSHO ) at the University of Kyoto is a 1963 founded mathematical research. It is the leading Japanese research center for mathematics. It is located near the north campus of the University of Kyoto. Currently, there are about 40 scientists on permanent contracts, including research professors as the winner of the Fields Medal Shigefumi Mori Masaki Kashiwara and. Also Fields medalist Heisuke Hironaka, the first winner of the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize Kiyoshi Ito, Mikio Satō, Tetsuji Miwa and Huzihiro Araki was a professor there. The Institute publishes a quarterly published since 1964 Journal Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences.
