Réseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes

The Réseau d' Ondes Courtes Luxembourgeois des Amateurs asbl (RL) is an amateur radio club in Luxembourg. In RL is licensed amateur radio operators from all over Luxembourg, but also other members have joined forces in the world. However, an approval to participate in the amateur service is not a requirement for membership.

Structure and numbers

The basic fee for membership of the club is 24 euro per year; additional family members pay 5 euros if they are registered at the same address as the primary member.

General Services

Delivery of QSL cards

Many hams have a strong interaction of QSL cards. The dispatch of each QSL card as a postcard would be costly and in some countries also bring the problem is that the postal system is not developed enough to ensure reliable delivery. The RL collects the QSL cards of members and organizes the delivery to the QSL offices around the world.
