Residencia de Estudiantes

The Residencia de Estudiantes ( Spanish for Students Hostel '), is a cultural center in Madrid.

The institution was founded in 1910 by the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios and moved in 1915 to its current address, Colina going Chopos, in a group of newly constructed buildings in Neo - Mudejar style by the architect Antonio Flórez Urdapilleta ( 1877-1941 ). Its director Alberto Jiménez Fraud was thrilled by the British College System and pursued the concept of a living room and a venue for art and science, and a meeting place of the domestic and foreign vanguard. In the background stood the concept of Institución Libre de Enseñanza, which had been founded by Francisco Giner de los Ríos in 1876.

Among the residents of the home included Federico García Lorca, Salvador Dalí, Luis Buñuel, and the Nobel laureate Severo Ochoa. Miguel de Unamuno, Alfonso Reyes, Manuel de Falla, Juan Ramón Jiménez, José Ortega y Gasset, Pedro Salinas, Blas Cabrera, Eugeni d' Ors and Rafael Alberti were frequent guests.

Guests from abroad Albert Einstein, Paul Valéry, Marie Curie, Igor Stravinsky, John M. Keynes, Walter Gropius and Henri Bergson were singled out.

The heyday of the institution was 1910-36. Then there was a decades of interruption by the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, who rejected this kind bourgeois-liberal and modernist institutions, but ultimately the "resurrection " from 1986. Nowadays acts the Residencia de Estudiantes again as a residential and meeting. 20 young artists and scientists live here, both public cultural activities are held. Among the residents are Mercedes Cebrián, David Mayor, Miguel Álvarez - Fernández, Joaquín Pérez Azaustre and Eva Mendoza mentioned. There are also about 3,000 guests annually.

The Centro de Documentación contains the private archives of Federico García Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Jesús del Bal y Gay, Fernando de los Ríos Sánchez León ünd Cuesta.

Since 1990, the Residenza is again verlegerisch active.
