Resource Measurement Facility

Resource Measurement Facility ( RMF ) is a software monitor for the IBM z / OS operating system. In addition, RMF collects data for long-term performance analysis and capacity planning. RMF contains the following components:

  • Monitor I data collector: this collects data at adjustable intervals of one minute to one hour and writes SMF records of type 70 to 78 to monitor I may be creates a data space, which allows SMF to buffer and processed directly by the RMF Postprocessor data to leave.
  • Monitor III data collector: this collects data for short-term data analyzes. The data collection is performed at intervals of 10 seconds to 10 minutes. The data is stored in Buffer Monitor III VSAM datasets and the Monitor III in storage. In addition, certain SMF types of data such as Coupling Facility data are generated via the Monitor III data collector.
  • Monitor II is the original snapshot monitor in RMF. Furthermore SMF type 79 data can be collected by Monitor II. The snapshot monitor has lost in the last few years.
  • RMF Postprocessor is the evaluation of RMF SMF data for the models 70 and 78 The RMF postprocessor generates a large number of tabular and textual reports, which can be evaluated for a detailed analysis of the z / OS performance.
  • RMF Spreadsheet Reporter is an extension to the RMF post processor and it allows selected data in spreadsheet applications represent.
  • Monitor III reporter is the evaluation tool for the data collected by the Monitor III data collector. The MOnitor III Reporter is an ISPF application supports the short-term data analyzes. Monitor III is thereby able to display the data of all of a parallel system Sysplexes.
  • RMF PM and the RMF web portal are workstation extensions to the Monitor III and allow any z / OS system on which RMF represent collected data.