
Entourage entourage or in the narrower sense in Germanic tribes voluntary, consolidated by allegiance Association of proven military men and capable young men around a charismatic leader or famous, usually a king or duke nomarchs; among the Lombards, the term servants was common.

In a general sense following refers to the followers of a leader or a social group.


Entry into a following (Latin comitatus ) did not diminish the honor and freedom, so that even sons respected families were in such services.

In the battle the entourage fought vying under the employer. The number of followers and the reputation of their courage and their bravery raised the reputation of the prince. The followers were given free maintenance, personal equipment, a share of the spoils, and other gifts for their services. In peacetime, the followers also attracted other princes in military conflicts. The size of the followings, most of which were only of limited number, has often been overestimated in past reports, because the followers were confused or mixed with the voluntary mitziehenden warriors. So the followers of the Alemanni Gaukönigs Chnodomar numbered about 300 men, while Princes such as Ariovistus led several thousand volunteer warriors to warlike enterprises.

In the Frankish kingdom only the king had to keep the law, as so-called followers Antrustiones. Still in the Merovingian period occurred vassalage or feudal system, which originally included lower servants, but refined along the lines of allegiance being in their place.

In the Germanic tradition going back to the epic poems and sagas, from Beowulf to the Nibelungenlied, the following is being glorified even at a time when it was long since disappeared from real life.

In modern times was understood until the 20th century under the French name suite the military retinue of the sovereign, a generals or commanding general. She accompanied him in his service, and could be used by him at will. These included the Adjutant General, the General Staff officers and orderlies. Then you were à la suite of the personality in question.
