Révolution nationale

The term National Revolution, in European rights a desired transformation of the bourgeois- parliamentary to a authoritarian- nationalist form of society. Influential was the national revolutionary idea circle in the Weimar Republic. One of the most important representative was Ernst Niekisch, the resistance of the. Magazine for national-revolutionary policy issued. During the period of National Socialism, the term " Government of National Revolution" for equipped with the enabling law of March 25, 1933 Reich Hitler government was. The official ideology of the Vichy regime under the leadership of collaborating with Nazi Germany, Marshal Pétain was called Révolution nationale. It was the traditional slogan of the French Revolution, Liberté, égalité, fraternité ( "Work, Family, Fatherland" ) was replaced by Travail, Famille, Patrie.

In the late 1960s, it was in Germany and France, as is attempted in parallel with the " New Left, " " New Right " to form a, the Renaissance national revolutionary ideas.
