Revolutions per minute

Rpm (English revolutions per minute; " revolutions per minute" (RPM ) ) is an Anglo-Saxon unit in mechanics for speed. They are, for example, a shaft rotation speed as the number of revolutions for a period of 60 seconds.

The German unit is 1/min ( = 1 min -1) with the assignment

Considering a rotating point on a circle, so you can see the circular frequency with which the point sweeps out a certain position, and specify the relationship to rpm

The indication in the unit 1 / s is provided after the SI unit system, but hardly ever used; the unit Hertz is not to be used according to DIN 1301 for the speed.

The U is not a legal unit of measurement (see International System of Units (SI units)), but a linguistic enclosing for a dimensionless quantity: non-standard there, rpm translate as a unit U / min or rpm is. The speed of motors is still given in some publications in rev / min instead of 1/min.

  • Anglo-American unity
  • Frequency unit