Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure

The Rey- Osterrieth Complex Figure Test ( ROCF ) is a neuropsychological test for detection of the ability of the visual spatial construction and visual memory performance. Also, the test is used to measure executive functions.


The test was originally developed in 1941 by André Rey and standardized in 1944 by Paul Alexandre Osterrieth. The aim of the test was to distinguish between perception and memory disorders, and whether the disturbances are due to learning difficulties or organic brain causes.

Test Conditions

The ROCF consists of a pattern of different geometrical elements that can be divided into 18 units. The figure can be best described as one lying on its side house.

The test is carried out in three conditions:

  • Signing off: The subjects get the figure submitted and will be asked these emerge as accurately as possible.
  • Immediate recall: After about three minutes, the subjects are asked to draw the figure from memory.
  • Delayed recall: After about 30 minutes, the volunteers, the figure will be asked again to draw from memory.


The test can 'll used in children and adults in the areas of neuropsychology and counseling. Furthermore, the test is well suited for people with planning difficulties, memory impairment or constructive apraxia.
