Rhombodera basalis

Green Schildmantis ( Rhombodera basalis )

The Green Schildmantis ( Rhombodera basalis ) is a mantis in the family Mantidae.


Females are up to 120 mm long, males, however, up to 100 millimeters, making it the Green Schildmantis a relatively large mantis. The basic color is green. Striking is the shield -like enlarged pronotum, the Green Schildmantis its name.


The Green Schildmantis comes in India and South East Asia in the countries of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia on Java and Borneo. There she lives on plants.

Way of life

The females have a life of nine months, a figure of six months. After mating, the female lays after 30 days one or two oothecae from these hatch after some time 30 to 50 larvae.

The Green Schildmantis feeds on small to large insects and spiders. This includes many species of butterflies. Only a few species are inedible spurned.

Often the Green Schildmantis is attacked in their natural habitat of horsehair worms of the genus Chordodes.
