
As a rhyton ( neuter ) is called a usually einhenkeliges vessel for pouring libations through an opening at the bottom. Some rhytons that originate from the kretominoischen culture are designed human-or animal -like. Often bull or ram's head occur. These are available in both painted and unpainted in Greek pottery. Vegetable forms can be found as an ornament, but never as a basic shape of a rhyton. In the Persian Achaemenid rhyton different are occupied, which also show horses and even horsemen. This shows that the fashion spread to Persia.

During the 19th century, the form of the rhyton was in the course of the various " oriental " fashions popular again for the crafts. This time, however, was not used for cult, but purely decorative purposes. In particular, the Victorian era in the United Kingdom and the Second Empire of Napoleon III. in France there were such vessels as minute decorative trappings of salons.
