Ribera de Arriba

Ribera de Arriba is a Spanish municipality ( concejo in Asturias, corresponds to the municipio in the rest of Spain) in the autonomous region of Asturias. The main town and seat of the municipality is Soto de Ribera.


Given the fertility and mild climate, it is not surprising that the first settlements can be demonstrated by finds from the Palaeolithic tools and cave paintings already. Remains of dolmens and hill forts at La Corona, in the PICU Llanza, at El PICU Castiello, the PICU Les Pedreres and on Cueto cerca de SARDIN also bear witness to the valor of the " ancient " inhabitants.

The first written record comes from the year 857 from a Deed of the Archdiocese of Oviedo shows that Ordoño I. San Pedro de Ferrero's church the diocese passes. Another deed of gift of Queen Urraca to the Bishop Pelagius of Oviedo in gratitude comes for his support in the fight against her husband Alfonso. According From the Jaht 1112 frequently changing owners, was finally bought back the region in 1537 under Philip II and as a proclaimed an independent municipality.







  • Parish church " Iglesia de San Martin in Pereda from the 12th century


  • Population figures, see INE
  • Height information see Google Earth
  • Area Code