Ricberht of East Anglia

Ricbert (also Ricberht, Ricberctus ) was from 627/628 bis 630/631 King of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of East Anglia.


Ricberts origin is unknown, but he certainly belonged to the upper class of East Anglia, if not to the royal dynasty of Wuffinger.

Edwin of Northumbria had risen to the Bretwalda ( Great King ) and " persuaded " the king ostanglischen Eorpwald to 627 of " superstition of idols " ( idolorum superstitionibus ) drain and to embrace Christianity for himself and his land. With the conversion of East Anglia Edwin pursued certain political goals: His influence on East Anglia, based on Northumbrian priests, grew considerably and strengthened its hegemonic power. However, the change of faith was obviously superficial and due to the desire of the Bretwalda. There were no instructions for the assembly of church infrastructure, such as the establishment of a bishopric narrated.

In the year 627/628 of the " heathen " ( vir gentilis) Ricbert killed King Eorpwald. East Anglia fell back into paganism. To what extent was this act religiously or politically motivated remained unclear. It is uncertain, but likely that Ricbert then reigned three years. The non-intervention of the mighty Edwin after the assassination Eorpwalds suggest that Ricbert had great support by the antinorthumbrische mood in East Anglia. It was 630/631, superseded by Sigebert, the half-brother Eorpwalds.

