Richard Hakluyt

Richard Hakluyt (* 1552 in London and in Herefordshire, † October 23, 1616 in London ) was an English geographer and writer.

Richard Hakluyt was educated at Oxford and led as a professor of cosmography a the use of the globes in the English classroom. 1584 he accompanied the English ambassador to Paris as chaplain, 1605, he received a prebend at Westminster Abbey and Rector in Suffolk.

His main work is The principal navigations, voyages and discoveries of the English nation, etc. ( published in 1589 and revised in 1598-1600 ). This book contained travel reports of captains and discoverers, who primarily sought out areas that could be for the English export trade of importance - but also a lot Not Reported, such as a description of the magnetic mountain.

According to him, the Hakluyt Society, founded in London in 1846, which has since published a number of historic travel accounts of expeditions and discoveries in science annotated book form called (see overview).
