Richard Sandrak

Richard Sandrak ( born April 15, 1992 in Ukraine, also called Little Hercules) is an American bodybuilder, martial artist and actor. He became known through his appearance in the documentary The strongest boy in the world, which ran on various TV channels around the world. He ran even in his early years with dedication bodybuilding to the level of adults. He was promoted to be severely by his two parents (his father is even bodybuilders, his mother trained aerobics on competition level ). His life in 2009 under the name Little Hercules was filmed in 3D.


Sandrak came at the age of two years with his father Pavel and his mother Lena to Pennsylvania (USA). Already at an early age did the parents with him light strength exercises, the soon to correct bodybuilding ausarteten.Mit six years, he was able to lift up to 81 kg; with eight years even 95 kg. Sandrak traveled in the years around the country, participated in contests, campaigned for food products and had photo shoots for various magazines. He also appeared in several television and radio broadcasts. His father was sentenced to prison soon because of abuse by his mother. This Sandrak lost his trainer after which he lost a significant part of his muscles and his body fat percentage significantly increased. Although trained Sandrak still further, but he choked it back strong. He sought a career as an actor.

Sandraks childhood was very much determined by the training. Thus it was almost isolated from the rest of the world; He hardly had friends. He was placed by his father on a strict diet; Junk food or candy have been strictly forbidden. However Sandrak says he was never forced to seek such training. His parents trained so much, he just wanted to join.
