Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar (according to the Ordnance Survey, formerly Brogar ) is a Henge (class II henge ) with a circular stone setting inside. With a diameter of 104 m, it is larger than Stonehenge. Of the original 27 still about 60 stones have been preserved. He probably originated in 2700 BC.


It is situated on Mainland, the main island of Orkney, an archipelago north of Scotland. The ring is located between the Loch of Stenness and Harray the hole, an estuary. Nearby are:

  • Stones of Stenness, a Class I henge with a moat and a round stone setting strikingly large sandstone slabs in the interior and a central stone setting
  • The Neolithic settlement of Barnhouse
  • Ring of Bookan, probably a Class I henge monument, its ramparts, however, disappeared from agricultural processing of the terrain
  • As well as some part quite large standing stones ( Comet Stone, Bridgestone, Watch Stone and Barnhouse Stone) and the passage tomb of Maes Howe.

All monuments are UNESCO World Heritage Site The Heart of Neolithic Orkney.

As a quarry from which the stones are originally for the rings of Brodgar and Stennes, the range of Vestra Fiold, one north of Skara Brae hill situated, was identified.
