Ring-tailed cardinalfish

Ring-tailed cardinalfish ( Ostorhinchus aureus)

The solar or tailed cardinalfish ( Ostorhinchus aureus, Syn Apogon aureus ) is a small, 10 to 14.5 inches long expectant marine fish in the Red Sea and the tropical Indo-Pacific from East Africa to the Izu Islands south of Japan, New Guinea, Australia and New Caledonia occurs.


He is a copper color, the top is brighter. A black, blue framed band stretches from the tip of the snout to the eyes and close behind. Along the upper jaw itself draws a blue line. The mouth is large and upper constant. The tail fin root supports a broad, black cross- belt or a black spot.

Fins formula: Dorsal VIII / 9, Anal II / 8,

Way of life

The Ring-tailed cardinalfish lives in crevices and caves or among the branches of hard corals ( Acropora ) in lagoons and protected coral reefs, at depths ranging from one to 40 meters. During the summer and autumn, the sun Kardinalbarsch forms joint swarms with Ostorhinchus apogonoides. In spring and winter, separate the two species. Like all cardinal fish, the fish are mouth brooders. They feed on zooplankton.
