Rio Claro (Rio de Janeiro)

Rio Claro on the map of Rio de Janeiro

Rio Claro is a place and a municipality of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. The community is located approximately 128 kilometers west of Rio de Janeiro and has an area of 841 km ², a population of around 18,000 people. The official founding date of Rio Claro is the 19th Mai 1849.

The municipality is divided into the following districts:

  • Rio Claro ( administrative seat )
  • Getulândia
  • Passa Três
  • São João Marcos
  • Lídice

The neighboring municipalities of Rio Claro are Angra dos Reis, Bananal ( SP), Barra Mansa, Itaguaí, Mangaratiba, Pirai and Volta Redonda

The main economic activities are agriculture (bananas, beans, maize), Agricultural Chemistry and Poultry.
