Riserva naturale orientata Parma Morta

The Parma Morta is a nature reserve in the Emilia- Romagna in the town Mezzani, (Parma). It was founded in 1990.


The reserve is located at a distance of about 5 km, between the mouths of the rivers Parma and Enza in the butt. It covers an area of 64.51 ha along a wetland called Parma Morta. At this point, once the river flowed Parma. By 1870, it joined the Enza, and then his river was diverted to flow directly into the river Po.

The stagnant water of the inactive former oxbow lake is connected to the Enza. To ensure a constant water level through which the ecosystem that can be obtained for a system of necessary water supply was developed from the surrounding channels.

Flora and Fauna

Along the old river plants are how to find sedges and other semi-aquatic plants, including shrubs of alder, black alder and elm - trees, maples and oaks.

In the reserve plants grow as the summer snowflake ( Leucojum aestivum), the Kleefarn ( Marsilea quadrifolia ). One of the few is the ordinary water hose Utricularia vulgaris, a carnivorous plant, the rootless floating in water and feeds on small insects. In the summer she shows beautiful yellow flowers that sprout out of the water ..

The reserve area provides protection for many species of animals from the surrounding fields. It is an important refuge for amphibians, reptiles and birds that nest here some of the species listed in the Birds Directive of the European Community.

  • Lesser Kestrel - Falco naumanni
  • Footed Falcon - Falco vespertinus
  • Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio
  • Lesser Grey Shrike - Lanius minor
  • Bittern - Botaurus stellaris
  • Little Bittern - Ixobrychus minutus
  • Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
  • Rallenreiher - ardeola ralloides
  • Silver Series - Casmerodius albus
  • Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
  • Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea
  • Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
  • Sand Martin - Riparia riparia

Life " pianura Parmense "

The reserve is one of the last remaining wetlands in an otherwise intensively farmed cultural landscape, it is one of six areas that are part of the ecology project Life " pianura Parmense " .. The project will be shared equally by the province of Parma and the European Union financed.
