Risk Matrix

The risk matrix is ​​shown how high a risk.

It is usually in one axis ( y) is the probability of occurrence and in the other axis (x ) given according to the technical definition of risk, the impact of the damage or injury severity.

In addition to the risk matrix by Nohl in OSH, there are still others who want to quantify the severity of a failure in a technical or application software, for example, etc.

Risk matrix by Nohl

Categories for the likelihood or probability of effect of the hazard:

  • Very low
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

The categories are in the risk assessment " sensible estimate " or statistical evidence.

Categories for damage severity:

  • Minor injuries or diseases, such as bruises
  • Moderate injury or disease, such as simple fractures
  • Serious injuries or illnesses, such as paraplegia
  • Possible death, disaster, such as serious injury of many people

From the matrix a measure (1-7) is formed from it.

This risk measure is divided into three categories:

The risk cube adds a third dimension to this: The number of people affected. Thus, the social and economic significance of the risk is detected, which is missing in the risk matrix.
