Röa, Järva County

58.89972222225.499444444Koordinaten: 58 ° 54 'N, 25 ° 30' E

Röa ( German Röal ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural municipality in the district Väätsa Järva ( Jerwen ). It has 165 inhabitants (as of 2000).

Röa was first documentary mentioned in 1564. The Baltic German manor of Röa belonged to the parish Türi ( Turgel ) and was founded in the early 17th century. 1797 was the Princess Jelena Gontschakow owner. Röa then belonged, among others the noble families Baranoff and Girard de Soucanton. In 1874 it was bought by the landowner Ferdinand von Stackelberg, the lands belonged to the Estonian land reform of 1919. He kept Röa as Resthof until 1939.

The early classical mansion was built in 1800. End of the 19th century it was added at the rear of a single-storey side wings in the style of historicism. After the Second World War, the building fell into disrepair and was without a fixed roof. The mansion burned down in the 1980s. It was completely restored in 2004 and is now privately owned.

To the manor house there is a large forest park, where there are the outbuildings of the estate.
