Robert Aymar

Robert Aymar (* 1936 in France) is a physicist and former director-general of the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva.

After studying physics at the École polytechnique Robert Aymar joined the Corps of Poudres, a former research authority for basic research. In 1959 he was seconded to the CEA ( Commissariat à l' énergie Atomique ) and focused his research in the field of fundamental plasma physics and its application for the controlled thermonuclear fusion.

In 1977 he took over the management of the fusion experiment Tore Supra in Cadarache, in which there is a tokamak with superconducting magnets. This position he occupied until 1988 and led the project from the design and planning phase to the first production of a plasma. In 1990 he was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board for cutting-edge research from the CEA.

From 1994 he was Head of the ITER project for which he the Global Energy Prize 2006.

From January 2004 to December 2008, he was the successor of Luciano Maiani Director-General of CERN. He is succeeded by Rolf -Dieter Heuer.
