Robert Weltsch

Robert Weltsch ( born June 20, 1891 in Prague, † December 22, 1982 in Jerusalem) was an Israeli writer, journalist and Zionist.


The son of the lawyer Theodor Weltsch (died 1922) was, like many later known Jewish Prague students, a member of the Association of the Bar Kochba. He studied at the Law Faculty of the Prague German University.

From 1919 to 1938 he was editor and co-editor of the journal Jewish Rundschau in Berlin and has been through some articles with open criticism against Hitler further known. Fame be published in the Rundschau on April 4, 1933 editorial for Boycott Day on April 1, 1933: Wear it with pride, the yellow spot! .

1938 Robert emigrated to Palestine Weltsch and so survived the Holocaust.

After the Second World War Weltsch moved to England and worked for various Zionist institutions as a journalist, including London conductive for the Leo Baeck Institute. He also was a correspondent for the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz. His last years (from 1978 ) he spent in Israel.

His cousin Felix Weltsch issued the Czechoslovak Zionist journal self-defense. Both come from an old family in Prague.


  • Zionist policy. Ostrava 1927 (shared with Hans Kohn ).
  • Saying yes to Judaism., 1933.
  • German Jewry. Rise and Crisis. (14 monographs ), 1963.