Roberto Pucci

Roberto Pucci (* 1463 in Florence, † January 17, 1547 in Rome ) was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church.

Roberto Pucci joined as a widower and father of four children in the clergy. He became in 1541 Bishop of Pistoia after his brother Antonio had taken the farewell for him from that seat. Pucci was on 2 June 1542 by Pope Paul III. appointed Cardinal Santi Quattro Coronati Church of the title. He was later transferred to Melfi / Rapolla and was Major Penitentiary of the Church.

Roberto Pucci was the brother of Cardinal Lorenzo Pucci and uncle Cardinal Antonio Pucci.

  • Man
  • Historical person (Italy )
  • Cardinal (16th century)
  • Roman Catholic Bishop ( 16th Century)
  • Born in 1463
  • Died in 1547