Robin Thomas (mathematician)

Robin Thomas ( born August 22, 1962) is a Czech mathematician who deals with graph theory, combinatorics and algorithms theory.

Thomas received his doctorate in 1985 at the Charles University in Prague Jaroslav Nešetřil. From 1989 he was at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he is a professor today.

Thomas proved with Paul Seymour, Maria Chudnovsky, Neil Robertson and 2005, open since 1960, a strong presumption for Perfect graphs of Claude mountains. With Seymour, Robertson and Daniel P. Sanders ( the PhD in 1993 with him ), he is also involved in a program to simplify the four color theorem, which (at the Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang hook ) resulted in an alternative proof. By Robertson and Seymour gave at full criteria for determining when a graph without links (ie, the linking number of two cycles of the embedded graph is zero, it then has a " shallow embedding " ) can be embedded in three-dimensional space ( ie, that he has no minors that are isomorphic to one of seven graphs of the Petersen family).

With Seymour and Robertson, he proved in general still open Hadwiger's conjecture from graph theory for k = 6 colors.

With Seymour and Robertson, he received in 1994 ( for her work on the Hadwiger's conjecture ) and 2009 (in addition to Maria Chudnovsky ) the Fulkerson Prize.

He was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM ) 2006 ( Pfaffian Orientation of Graphs ).
