Roc Oil Company

The Roc Oil Company Limited ( ROC) is an Australian company in the oil and gas industry, the deposits, especially in the deep sea, in the UK ( North Sea ), Australia, New Zealand, Africa (Mauritania, Guinea, Angola, Madagascar ) and China explored and exploits. There are also provided reviews, analyzes and services for the oil industry. The company is one of the largest oil companies in Australia and the focus of the company is located in the Australian- Chinese region. The company is located in Sydney on Market Street and it is - by its own account - 200 employees from 24 countries employed who speak 16 languages.

The name of the oil company to be descended from the mythical bird Roc, a hybrid between elephant, snake and bird from the Arabian tales The Arabian Nights.


The company was founded as a private company in 1997 and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1999 with a share volume of $ 150 million and on the Alternative Investment Market ( AIM) of the London Stock Exchange in 2004. Roc Oil has been prepared both economically and geographically wide through its production and storage research. It should be a company that stands out for a particularly successful exploration of mineral deposits and their subsequent successful and effective exploitation over other opposing competitor. Roc Oil took over in 2008, the Anzon Australia Limited (AEL ), after they had completed more than 90 percent of the shares in their possession and secured large oil and gas deposits on the coast of Victoria on and offshore.

Roc Oil is active on the international oil market on which the transactions are processed in U.S. dollars and is working with both countries that are in the OPEC member, as well as with others who are not members.

Oil and gas fields

The investments of Roc Oil in the oil and gas production in the respective countries is quite different.


  • Western Australia ( offshore ) Carnarvonbecken
  • Perth basin
  • Cliff Head oil field
  • Victoria Gippslandbecken in Bass Strait ( offshore )
  • Basker - Manta - Gummy (oil and gas field )

New Zealand

  • Taranakibecken in the Taranaki Region
  • Canterburybecken in the Canterbury Region


  • Mauritania ( Offshore )
  • Guinea ( offshore )
  • Angola: Cabinda
  • Madagascar: Mozambique Channel ( offshore )


  • Bohai, Zadong block
  • Beibu Gulf ( offshore )

Great Britain

  • Blane oil field ( offshore ) in the North Sea
  • Enoch oil and gas field ( offshore ) in the North Sea