Rochester (Washington)

Thurston County


Rochester is managed by the County area in Thurston County of the U.S. state of Washington.


Rochester's history dates back to 1852, when the city was founded by Samuel James.


In 2007, Rochester has 2094 inhabitants. Of which 1052 are male and 1042 female. The average age is 32.5 years, which is below the average age of the state of Washington about three years. In Rochester, 84.4 % of the residents are white, 10.4% are of Latin American origin ( Hispanic ), 5.5% belong to another ethnic group, 3.2 % belong to two ethnic groups, and 3.1 % are Indians. The average household size is 2.8 persons and 78.1 % of the population live with their family. 6.8 % live with an unmarried partner. Approximately 19.2 % of the inhabitants are of German descent, followed by Ireland (11.6% ), England ( 8.9% ), USA ( 6.1%), Norway ( 5.9%) and Scotland. ( 5.5%).


The economy of the town was heavily influenced by its founding by the timber industry. The first sawmill was established in the 1880s. After the decline of the timber industry Rochester lives mainly from strawberry cultivation. Many residents of Rochester are now working in the surrounding towns.
