Rock candy

With candy crystals are referred from sugar, which crystallize from concentrated sugar solutions in several days. The word has been adopted into German into Arabic and the Italian from Persian.


Its production already knew the Arabs in the 9th century. Around the year 1000 facing Egyptian, Arabic and Persian (Eye ) Doctors candy as a remedy.

Kandis was made 100 years ago by. The " refined, but not strong boiled sugar juice in copper, crisscrossed by twisting threads vessels ( Potten ) only in a cool place, hereafter few days in the Darrstube " crystallized ( Brockhaus 1865 ) The Fadenkandis was until 1960 the most sold.

Yellow candy colored with caramel. Brown candy made ​​from caramelized sugar on the other hand solution.


Kandis is used to sweeten tea and other hot beverages and has a great importance in the East Frisian tea culture. Kandisfarin and Krümelkandis are baking ingredients for cakes and biscuits. Some Belgian beers, Trappist beers and especially the the lambic beers associated Faro, candy will be buried before fermentation.

In the U.S., colored with food coloring colorful candy on a stick sold as candy ( "rock candy" ).



Fadenkandis is the finest product of sugar production. In crystallization vessels ( also called today still Potten ) threads are stretched, where grow the Kandisstangen several weeks of processes. This old traditional production requires a lot of professionalism and craftsmanship.


What makes the Stangenkandis is that initially large crystals grow at the poles held in sugar solution and only the grown crystals are struck by the bars at the end of the manufacturing process.

Sugar sticks

Sugar sticks are also the product of great experience and craftsmanship. The candy is crystallized here to wooden rods.


Kluntje called the large Würfelkandis. This term is found mainly in East Friesland in the north- west of Germany; the Kluntje serves to sweeten the lot there drunk Ostfriesentees.


Krustenkandis is produced in large containers. The growth of large sugar crystals requires time and rest. After maturity, the crystals are crushed, ground and sieved before packing on the desired crystal size.

Krümelkandis (also Grümmelkandis )

Krümelkandis is rammed brown or white candy.


Kandisfarin called brown sugar having a smaller crystal size, which is boiled in the running at the Kandisherstellung syrup.
