
Roeboides sp.

Roeboides is a genus of small tetras, which occurs widely in Central and South America.


The Roeboides species are quite similar to the closely related genus Charax. Your body is high backs, elongated, laterally strongly flattened and nearly transparent. They are with lengths from 4.8 to 18.5 inches only larger than the Charax species and her collarbone ( clavicle ) has a sting on. The dorsal fin is approximately over the center of the body and is pointed in males. The anal fin is very long, an adipose fin is present. The caudal fin is forked, the lower lobe is often longer. The head is relatively short, the eye size. In addition to the lower teeth, which are arranged in two rows in the upper jaw, the genus has wart-like, small outer teeth, which are visible from the outside when the mouth is closed. They serve the rasp of scales of other fish.

Roeboides species live mainly in dense plant canopies and keep preferably in the lower water layers. As the Charax species they swim in an oblique posture with the head down.


  • Roeboides affinis ( Günther, 1868).
  • Roeboides biserialis ( Garman, 1890).
  • Roeboides bonariensis ( Steindachner, 1879).
  • Roeboides bouchellei Fowler, 1923.
  • Roeboides bussingi Matamoros et al., 2013.
  • Roeboides carti Lucena, 2000.
  • Dayis - Raubgalssalmler, Roeboides dayi ( Steindachner, 1878).
  • Descalvado - RaubgalssalmlerRoeboides descalvadensis Fowler, 1932.
  • Roeboides dientonito Schultz, 1944.
  • Roeboides dispar Lucena, 2001.
  • Guatemala Galssalmler, Roeboides guatemalensis ( Günther, 1864).
  • Roeboides ilseae Bussing, 1986.
  • Roeboides loftini de Lucena, in 2012.
  • Kleinschuppiger Galssalmler, Roeboides microlepis ( Reinhardt, 1851).
  • Roeboides myersii Gill, 1870.
  • Roeboides numerosus Lucena, 2000.
  • Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand, 1916.
  • Roeboides oligistos Lucena, 2000.
  • Paraguay Raubgalssalmler, Roeboides Paranensis Pignalberi, 1975.
  • Roeboides prognathus ( Boulenger, 1895).
  • Roeboides sazimai Lucena, 2007.
  • Thurns Raubgalssalmler, Roeboides thurni Eigenmann, 1912.
  • Roeboides xenodon ( Reinhardt, 1851).