Rolled oats

Oats are a staple food, which is prepared from oat. They contain a high percentage of carbohydrates ( ≈ 70%), protein ( ≈ 15%), a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, soluble fiber ( ≈ 10 g/100 g), glucan, such as the mucus lichenin, vitamin B1, B6 and E, zinc, iron and calcium. The beta-glucan present in oats can lower cholesterol and has positive effects on blood sugar levels. These do need seven tablespoons of oatmeal or four tablespoons of oat bran daily.


After cleaning the raw grain oat grains for several hours first in steam, then treated with dry heat ( kiln ). In this treatment, the typical nutty flavor of oatmeal later forms. The heat also lipolytic substances (enzymes ) are disabled, which would otherwise cause later when storing a rancid, bitter flavor. The husks become loose in the drying process and can in a drum or centrifugal peeler peeler (formerly between millstones in a Gerbgang ) can be easily separated. After peeling the now peeled oat grains are mechanically read on a " paddy table separator ". The peeled oat grains go on a " grits Schneider " in which they are crushed. Your final shape to get the flakes on a " Flockierstuhl " in which the oat kernels are flattened under a lot of pressure between two smooth rollers.


  • Polynuclear flakes or big-leaf flakes: Made from whole oat kernels, the most biting, swell during soaking and boiling the slowest to
  • Rolled Oats or small leaf flakes: From oatmeal ( finely chopped oat groats ) rolled swell faster on
  • Instant soluble Schmelzflocken: Will rolled oatmeal. You are a product manufactured for infant nutrition and diet foods for the preparation of bottle and porridge. Melting flakes dissolve when stirred into liquid instantly and without chewing drinkable. For infants, they are suitable according to the manufacturer's instructions only from the age of 5 months and are offered as a bland diet for the sick.


  • Oatmeal serve as the basis of cereals. You are in the grocery retail readily available, but can also be produced with a flaker itself.
  • By soaking oatmeal (possibly with dried fruit ) a few hours or overnight in water or apple juice one, you get a satisfying meal, you also can refine with fresh fruit and a little sugar if necessary.
  • (Also called gruel ) porridge is obtained by boiling oatmeal in milk, oat milk or soy milk, which is consumed mostly lightly sweetened in Germany. In Scandinavia with water boiled, salted or lightly sweetened porridge ( Havregrøt, porridge ) is common.
  • Oatmeal is often used as a healthy calorie supplier in bodybuilding.
  • For many allergy sufferers and sufferers of celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, short bowel syndrome) is only gliadin, but not at the same time also incompatible glutenin. Those affected in this way must therefore indeed shun the traditional cereals (wheat, triticale, rye and its botanical precursor ), but can eat oatmeal and other oat products. It must be ensured in this case, however, that the oats were not contaminated during food technology treatment process with wheat flour, etc..
  • The porridge is also a traditional home remedies, such as gastrointestinal disorders.