Roman Catholic Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands

The Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands (lat.: Apostolica Praefectura Insularum Marshallensium ) is located in the Marshall Islands and Wake Roman Catholic Apostolic Prefecture based in Majuro.


Forerunner of today's Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands is the mission, founded in 1905 by Pope Pius X from the Vicariate Apostolic of New Pomerania out sui juris Marshall Islands. But the mission was dissolved and annexed to the Vicariate Apostolic of Mariana and Caroline already on 4 May 1923. From 1905 to 1915, Bruno Schinxe MSC Superior.

The Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands was built again by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Constitution Quo expeditius by the division of the Diocese of the Caroline Marshall Islands in the Diocese of Caroline Islands and the Marshall Islands Apostolic Prefecture on April 23, 1993.

Apostolic Prefect of the Marshall Islands

  • James C. Gould SJ, 1993-2007
  • Raymundo Sabio MSC, since 2007