Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo

The Archdiocese of Muro Lucano Potenza Marsico Nuovo - (Latin: Archidioecesis Potentinus - Muranus - Marsicensis, Italian: Arcidiocesi di Muro Lucano - Marsico Potenza Nuovo ) is a located in Italy Roman Catholic archdiocese based in Potenza.


The Archdiocese of Muro Lucano - Marsico Potenza Nuovo was built in the 5th century as a diocese of Potenza. The diocese of Potenza was the archbishopric Acerenza a suffragan. On June 27, 1818 the diocese of Potenza was annexed by Pope Pius VII, with the Apostolic Constitution En utiliori the territory of the diocese of Marsico Nuovo resolved.

The diocese of Potenza and Marsico Nuovo was born on February 11, 1973 by Pope Paul VI. charged with the Apostolic Constitution Cum Italicas to an archbishopric. On August 21, 1976 gave Paul VI. the Archdiocese of Potenza and Marsico Nuovo with the Apostolic Constitution Quo aptius the status of a Metropolitan bishopric. The Archdiocese of Potenza and Marsico Nuovo was incorporated on 30 September 1986 by the Congregation for Bishops with the decree Instantibus votis Muro Lucano the diocese.
