Roman Catholic Diocese of Mbanza Congo

The diocese Mbanza Congo (Latin: Dioecesis Mbanzacongensis ) is a location in Angola Roman Catholic diocese based in Mbanza Congo. It includes the province of Zaire.


Pope John Paul II founded it with the Apostolic Constitution Ex quo supernova on 7 November 1984 cession of territory of the diocese Uije and it became the Archdiocese of Luanda assumed as suffragan.

Bishops of Mbanza Congo

  • Afonso Nteka OFM Cap (8 November 1984-10 August 1991 died )
  • Serafim Shyngo -Ya - Hombo OFM Cap (29 May 1992-17. September 2008, resigned )
  • Vicente Carlos Kiaziku OFM Cap, since January 5, 2009

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Mbanza Congo
