Roman Catholic Diocese of San Martín

The Diocese of San Martín (Latin: Dioecesis Foromartiniensis, Spanish: diócesis de San Martín ) is a location in Argentina Roman Catholic diocese based in San Martín.


The Diocese of San Martín was born on April 10, 1961 by Pope Paul VI. with the Papal Bull Hispanis linguae built out of territory of the Diocese of Morón and of the Diocese of San Isidro and the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires is a suffragan. On 11 July 1978, the Diocese of San Martín were parts of its territory from the foundation of the Diocese of San Miguel.

Bishops of San Martín

  • Manuel Menéndez, 1961-1991
  • Luis Héctor Villalba, 1991-1999, then Archbishop of Tucumán
  • Raúl Omar Rossi, 2000-2003
  • Guillermo Rodríguez Melgarejo, since 2003